lesley picture

Lesley Kay

Clinical Nurse Specialist

lesley picture

Clinical Nurse Specialist

I completed my mental health nurse training way back in 1995. A lot has happened for me between then and now, professionally and personally. My career has mostly been in Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in community and inpatient NHS settings. My 25 years of mental health nursing has provided me with a wealth of experience in mental health conditions. My most recent NHS post was with Specialist Children’s Services where I received a nomination for Learning from Excellence for my work. In 2018 I took a 3 year career break from the NHS to devote more time to looking after our foster children with Autism and ADHD. During this time I worked hard to improve my skills and knowledge in how to best support children with a neurodevelopmental condition and it is from this that my interest in neurodiversity grew. Outside of work I am kept busy being a daughter, a wife and a mum. My family keep me motivated to be the best that I can. I also have a lively springer spaniel to keep me active.

Each day I ask myself “What have you done today to make you feel proud”.

Qualifications & Training:

  • Diploma in Education (Nursing)
  • BSc Mental Health Nursing
  • Diagnostic Intervention for Social and Communication Disorders
  • South of Scotland CBT Certificate
  • CBT for ASD
  • Child Protection Level 3
  • Adult Support and Protection Contemporary Child and Adult Psychotherapy
  • Childhood Trauma, the brain and the social world
  • Treating complex PTSD
  • ADHD in girls and women
  • Developmental Psychology

Book your appointment with Lesley:

Clinic Closed - 09/10/2024

Please note that our clinic will be closed on October 9th, 2024, for an Away Day.

During this day, we will focus on developing our services to continue providing high-quality care.

Thank you for choosing ADHD Direct.