Complaint Policy

Last updated: 23 June 2023 



This document outlines our commitment to handling complaints about our service. It explains how we manage received complaints, but also provides information on how we respond to received complaints and how we learn from them. All received complaints are treated seriously and we make every effort to ensure that complaints made by patients and / or their relatives or carers are investigated in an appropriate manner. The main points that have been considered when creating the ADHD Direct Complaints Policy are for the complainant to know and be aware of the following:   

1. How to complain.  

  1. That the complaint will be treated seriously.  
  2. That their complaint will be investigated and that the results of any investigation will be shared with them   


ADHD Direct is committed to providing the highest level of care and support for patients and service users. It is our aim to ensure that all service users are aware that they can provide feedback relative to our service as well as complain should their opinion be that our service is not satisfying their expectations.   

When dealing with complaints, it is our aim to follow the values outlined by the Patients Association:   


  1. Compassion: we treat patients, their families and carers with respect, sympathy and understanding   
  2. Inclusiveness: we work to fulfil our mission equitably and for the benefit of all, guarding against discrimination and disadvantage  
  3. Empowerment: we support patients, their families and carers to take action on their own wellbeing and wider decision-making  
  4. Ambition: we aim to deliver our mission to the highest standards.   

Definition of a complaint 

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, about any aspect of ADHD Direct Ltd, including administration, staff, processes and procedures, and treatment, which leads to the service’s failure to meet the individual’s expectations.   


Who can make a complaint? 

Anyone who feels adversely affected by ADHD Direct’s activity can make a complaint. In addition, in cases when a patient is a child, has mental ill health or physical disability, or for any other reason that means they are incapacitated, then their next of kin, legal guardian or power of attorney can act on their behalf when making a complaint.   

How to complain? 

A complaint can be made by:   

  • Post: ADHD Direct Ltd, Studio 16, Flemington House, 110 Flemington Street, Glasgow, G21 4BF 
  • Contacting Healthcare Improvement Scotland.   

Healthcare Improvement Scotland is the regulator for independent healthcare services across Scotland and can accept complaints at any time from a complainant. Contact details are:  

Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Independent Healthcare Team, Gyle Square, 1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9EB 

Programme Manager
Independent Healthcare Services Team
Healthcare Improvement Scotland Gyle Square
1 South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9EB
Tel: 0131 623 4342 (10am-2pm, Monday to Friday)

Timescales for making a complaint  

A complaint must be made within 12 months from the date of the action that concerns the complaint.  


ADHD Direct Complaint process   

ADHD Direct will acknowledge the complaint within three working days after the complaint has been received. If the complainant has made a verbal complain, a written statement will be given to the complainant who will be asked to confirm that given statement represents issues that they wish to lodge. The complainant will be kept up to date with the progress of the investigation that will take no more than 20 working days after which ADHD Direct will present a formal response to the complainant providing results of the investigation.   



We will handle all complaints with confidence and in accordance with the ADHD Direct Confidentiality Policy. All complaints will be kept separate from patients’ medical records. The complaint investigation will be dealt with only by managers and ADHD Direct staff leading the complaint procedure.   


Resolving complaints   

Our commitment to those who raise complaints is to address each complaint in a sensitive, fair, transparent, equitable, professional, and unbiased manner throughout the complaints handling process.   


Complaints Review   

If whenever ADHD Direct receives a complaint, at the end of the process of investigation and regardless of outcome, it would be our aim to undertake an internal review of the complaint to take learning points onboard and help prevent future complaints. 

Clinic Closed - 09/10/2024

Please note that our clinic will be closed on October 9th, 2024, for an Away Day.

During this day, we will focus on developing our services to continue providing high-quality care.

Thank you for choosing ADHD Direct.