Please note that our service will be closed on May 6th in observance of the bank holiday.

Find our clinic

get directions to our clinic:

ADHD Direct is located in the north of Glasgow (Springburn) and is easy to reach by car, bus or train. Our clinic is located in studio 16 on the second floor of Flemington House, a building rich in history. 

About flemington House

The building has been the headquarters of the North British Locomotive Company (from 1903). During The Great War from 1914 to 1919 the building was used as a hospital for British soldiers and in 1965 Flemington House became the Springburn College of Engineering which was merged into North Glasgow College. The College stayed in the building until 2009 when it was relocated on the site of the former NBL Hyde Park railway works.  

adhd direct building entrance

Accessing the building

Please press 16 and “call” on the intercom (left-hand side of the building entrance). A member of our team will buzz you in. 

Once you have entered the building you can either take one of the two elevators located in the entrance hall to get to the second floor or take the stairs. When you have reached the second floor you will have to turn to the left and you should see our ADHD Direct banner. Follow the hallway the banner leads you to and take the first turn to your left to enter our reception area. 

Reaching ADHD Direct by car:

The clinic can be easily reached by travelling from the M8 or the merchant city via the A803.

There is a free car park located on the hill at the back of Flemington House.

After reaching Flemington St take the first right turn into Ayr St and from there take the first left turn into Adamswell St. The car park will be on the right side.

Reaching ADHD Direct by bus:

There are three bus stops not more than 4 minutes away from our clinic.

Flemington Street: 

Bus Lines: 88C, 89, 89A, 89B, 90, 190

Milbank Street: 

Bus Lines: 8, 8a, 71A, 72

Keppochhill Road: 

Bus Lines: 87, 88, 88A, 88C, 89, 89A, 89B, 90, 190

You can use the the navigation button on the top left on the map below to select your desired route only.

Reaching ADHD Direct by train:

Springburn train station is a 5-minute walk away from our clinic.

Accessibility Guidance

We have a wheelchair-accessible entrance & accessible parking spaces located on the south side of Flemington House:
wheelchar access and accessible parking adhd direct (1)

Please contact our team if you require to use this entrance and let us know your vehicle registration. Parking in this car park is usually restricted from public use. 

A member of our team will meet you 15 minutes prior to your appointment at the accessible entrance.

There are also accessible toilets on site (at the end of the hallway).

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Flemington House History: