laura ferguson

Laura Ferguson

ADHD Advanced Nurse Practitioner

laura ferguson

ADHD Advanced Nurse Practitioner

NMC pin: 02I0520S

I qualified from Paisley University in 2005 with a Diploma in Higher Education in Adult Nursing.

For the first 10 years of my career, I worked in a busy Glasgow hospital within Acute Medical Care Wards. This experience provided me with a comprehensive knowledge base of medical conditions and their treatments.

I was then fortunate to secure a secondment to a Cancer Research Nurse post for 18 months. This role involved working with very ill patients from diagnosis to end of life, helping me understand the importance of clinical trials in medical research.

After becoming a mother, I secured a position within Health Visiting, where I developed a keen interest in child development. Encouraged and supported by the GPs I worked with, I increased parenting support within our area, becoming a breastfeeding support advisor and a Positive Parenting Programme (Triple P) instructor. It was during this role that my interest in ADHD and ASD began to flourish.

In recent years, I have been working as an Addictions Nurse, where I have encountered that more than 30% of my patients had an ADHD diagnosis or were awaiting one. This experience has further deepened my personal interest in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of children and adults with ADHD and autism. I am committed to ensuring equity of care for neurodivergent individuals and advocating for their needs in all aspects of healthcare.

Clinic Closed - 09/10/2024

Please note that our clinic will be closed on October 9th, 2024, for an Away Day.

During this day, we will focus on developing our services to continue providing high-quality care.

Thank you for choosing ADHD Direct.