In terms of prescribing.
We know there are a lot of services have a waiting time to start medication once an assessment has occurred, but this isn’t something that we support
We are very much of the feeling that if you don’t have the resources to prescribe for your own patients then you shouldn’t be assessing them in the first place!
In ADHD Direct, all Patients who wish to consider medication are given information by their Clinician at the end of their assessment, and then advised to let us know how they wish to progress.
Starting and continuing medication will always be down to a Patients personal choice.
Once we receive information to suggest that a Patient wishes to try medication, we ensure that the following is clearly documented
- A review of any family or medical history including a cardiovascular assessment to ensure medication is not contraindicated or if there are any relevant cautions.
- A full set of observations – Pulse, Blood pressure, weight (and height in children)
We then send a digital Consent form (by email) to the Patient to explain the system for prescribing and to further attain their written express consent.
Prescribing in the service is carried out by the prescribing team and the processing for Private prescriptions is a maximum of 10 days.
The prescription is then either sent out directly to the Patient (by 1st class recorded delivery) or to a Pharmacy But if local, a lot of our patients choose to pop into our Clinic to collect their prescription.